Our Mission

Our Aims

Acorn aims to provide foster care placement services of the very highest quality to Local Authorities and in doing so, promote the best interests of looked after children and young people. We aim to give every child or young person, who cannot live with their family of origin, a chance to experience stable family life.

Our Objectives

Our objective is to recruit and train, to a very high standard, enough foster carers to meet Local Authorities demand for high quality, local foster care placements.

Our Core Values

At Acorn, ā€œhelping to rebuild young livesā€ is at the heart of everything we try to do ā€“ it is a role we have taken on with passion and commitment. We believe every child should have the opportunity to explore life, to make mistakes, to learn and to grow in a safe, secure family environment.Ā 

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Padora School I

Jl. Sekola Panda I Block D No.88 Dermawartani, Clasan. Souleman. Special Region Baharina Town. Call : 081-88X7-45GH-887C

Padora School II

Jl. Madrapatma IX Block A No.12 Dermawartani, Clasan. Souleman. Special Region Baharina Town. Call : 081-88X7-45GH-887C

Padora School Center

Jl. Kodokan Block F No.12 Dermawartani, Clasan. Souleman. Special Region Baharina Town. Call : 081-88X7-45GH-887C