How We Select Foster Carers

How We Select Carers
- Prospective Foster Carers for Acorn Fostering Services are expected to meet the following criteria before they are considered for assessment:
- Applicants must not have any criminal or civil offence related to child abuse or neglect.
- Applicants should be able to demonstrate experience of bringing up children (not necessarily their own).
- Applicants preferably should have related experience of working with children, such as nursing, teaching, community work, social work and/or understand the needs specifically of children in the care system.
- Applicants should be prepared to take fostered child to and from school, to contact sessions, leisure facilities, and all necessary appointments with other professionals involved.
- Applicants should be willing to sign an agreement to work in accordance with the Child Care Plan and notify any significant event or changes in relation to the fostered child and foster family.
- Applicants should agree to sign and confirm that they will attend and participate in ongoing training and other child and carers related meetings.
- Applicants must agree to sign an agreement that they will always safeguard the interests of the children placed with them and ensure that their welfare and safety is paramount.

24 Hours Library
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Social & Fun
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Safe Playground
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Caring Staff
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Clean & Hygienic Canteen
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Qualified Teachers
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Our Qualified Teacher

Herlina Nami

Sara Julianty

Nadine Gema
Art Teacher

Jack Stonecold
Child Psycologist