Foster Carer Approval Process

Foster Carer Approval Process
Acorn Fostering Services complies with the requirements laid out by the Children Act 1989 and the Fostering Services Regulations 2011. On receipt of your initial request, our recruitment team will undertake a telephone interview, following successful outcome of this interview, a social worker will arrange a visit and will carry out a preliminary assessment. The positive recommendation at the preliminary assessment will lead to a full comprehensive assessment referred to as the Form F Assessment.
During this stage of assessment, we will carry out a range of statutory checks e.g. DBS, your current and previous local authorities, OFSTED are just a few to name. The complete assessment and approval process generally takes 4-6 months on an average and every effort is made to avoid all unnecessary delays. All information obtained during the assessment process about the prospective foster carers is kept confidentially in a file.
The assessing social worker presents the assessment report to an independent fostering panel constituted under the Fostering Services Regulations 2011. You will also be required to attend this panel with your assessing social worker. Following positive recommendation by the panel, you will be approved as a foster carer. This approval is only for one year and is subject to you the terms and conditions contained in our Service Agreement. Continuation of your approval as foster carer is reviewed annual.
Two day Assessment training called ‘Skills to Foster’ is provided to all prospective foster carers which covers the responsibility of being a foster carers and working for Acorn Fostering Services. All prospective foster carers must attend this training.
During the assessment process applicants will be helped to compile a portfolio of written material giving examples of their relevant experience and skills.
For details, Call Us on 0116 2513550